Employers will facilitate Inspecting Officers the lawful discharge of their duties and provide full co-operation in collection of all essential information related to coverage, payment of contributions, maintenance of ESI records etc.
The ESI Inspector or any other authorized officer normally sends advance intimation regarding the inspection of records of a factory or an establishment in his area of operation. On such occasions, the essential records and documents are to be kept ready for inspection and produced on demand before the inspecting authority.
If any labour is engaged either directly or through contractor for carrying out the construction work/ repair and maintenance of the premises/ machinery etc. within the covered premises, the record thereof is also required to be produced before the Inspector as contributions are payable on the labour component. The responsibility for payment of contributions rests with the Principal Employer.
Inspections records to be produced
- Attendance Registers(s)/Muster Roll(s) in respect of all employees including those employed through contractors
- Wages register
- Cash Book /Bank Book
- Accounts Books including Ledgers with profit and loss account, balance sheet, bills & vouchers
- Employees' Register (Form 7)
- Accident Book
- Returns of contribution (Form 6)
- Returns of declaration forms (Form 3)
- Copies of challan
- Inspection book
If any labour is engaged either directly or through contractor for carrying out the construction work/repair and maintenance of the premises/machinery etc. within the covered premises, the record thereof is also required to be produced before the Inspector as contribution are payable on the labour component. The responsibility for payment of contributions rests with the Principal Employer.
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